Sunday, November 7, 2010

Trick or Treat

     I’ve loved Halloween ever since I can remember. There isn’t anything that I dislike about Halloween; I’ve been trick or treating since I was 6 (that I could remember). My mom was always the one to take us trick or treating until we were old enough to go ourselves of course. One Halloween that I still remember until this day is, when I went to a house that looked the spookiest of all the houses on the street, and there was a lady on the steps passing out candy   in her bowl. She told me that I could grab some out of her bowl and when I did a hand grabbed me and I screamed so loud and ran. I had nightmare about that bowl for two weeks after Halloween.
    Another thing that I liked about Halloween was that I got to pick my costume. One Halloween I chose to be a witch and i had a black dress with the witch hat and black lipstick to match. When I got to be a teenager (13) I still went trick or treating as my either myself or a devil and a cat. Once I turned fifteen I realized that I was too old to go trick or treating. As a result my grandfather brought use candy every year and sent it to us and still does. This Halloween that passed he still kept the tradition going and sent me some candy to school, and I felt like a little kid all over again.

1 comment:

  1. There is nothing that I dislike about Halloween either. I mean, what's not to like?
