Sunday, November 7, 2010

Trick or Treat

     I’ve loved Halloween ever since I can remember. There isn’t anything that I dislike about Halloween; I’ve been trick or treating since I was 6 (that I could remember). My mom was always the one to take us trick or treating until we were old enough to go ourselves of course. One Halloween that I still remember until this day is, when I went to a house that looked the spookiest of all the houses on the street, and there was a lady on the steps passing out candy   in her bowl. She told me that I could grab some out of her bowl and when I did a hand grabbed me and I screamed so loud and ran. I had nightmare about that bowl for two weeks after Halloween.
    Another thing that I liked about Halloween was that I got to pick my costume. One Halloween I chose to be a witch and i had a black dress with the witch hat and black lipstick to match. When I got to be a teenager (13) I still went trick or treating as my either myself or a devil and a cat. Once I turned fifteen I realized that I was too old to go trick or treating. As a result my grandfather brought use candy every year and sent it to us and still does. This Halloween that passed he still kept the tradition going and sent me some candy to school, and I felt like a little kid all over again.

"Change is good"

     If there was anything about Wright State University I would change their schedule for serving food. I think that their schedule should be more convenient. I like the food at the student union because you get to have a more of a choice when you go in there to eat. The Student Union closes too early, it should be open until nine on weekdays like the Hanger.
     Another thing that I would change is the amount of tickets that you get for the games. If it was up to me I would want everyone to get three tickets for each game season and sport. For example we should have two tickets for the Soccer, Volleyball, Basketball, and Football games. I wish that our parents and siblings should be able to come to three games for every season for free. I know that these things will most likely not change but if they did that It would be cool and I would be happy.
     Even though these are things that I would like to change about WSU, it doesn’t change how I feel about the University an all that it has to offer. I still love this college and the things that make the college like the events, parties, and people. At the end of the day things can always get better, but if these things don’t change it wouldn’t change the love have for the college.


The revisions that were done in class I felt that it was helpful. When my paper was looked at by a peer from class, I soon found out the mistakes I had made and what I needed to do to fix them. When I my paper on “Just Be Nice” I realized that I had to do the paper all over again because It was more of a summary then an analysis. On the other paper “A President Like My Father” the error I mad with that paper was that I wrote the paper coming from my opinion on how I felt about Barack Obama. I think that the drafting process is making a difference in my writing because I can see the mistakes I have made and fixed them.
     The comments that I receive from the revisions and drafting process is helpful because I see what my peer thinks is wrong, and I see what my teacher see’s I wrong after I fix my paper based on the comments that my peer made. Overall the instructor’s comments are clear enough for me to understand, so I can transform my paper into a better more academic paper with the right punctuation and words. The only issues I have with the revision process, is that once we fix our papers based on our peers thoughts, and sometimes I wonder if  what they see is wrong, is it truly wrong? With our teachers input after our peers opinions, I feel confident that my paper is error free.