Friday, September 24, 2010

Wright State University

     I choose to attend Wright State University because of the location, excellence and upkeep. When I decided to go to college I had to figure out if I wanted to leave the state or stay close to home. When I decided that I didn't want to be no more then two hours away from my home, that's when I had to go and look at a variety of different colleges within an two hour distance. When I finally heard about Wright State, and that the college of business was pretty outstanding it was then when I chose to take a tour of the university. When I pulled up I was almost sold on coming to this college, and as the tour started and ended, I knew that this was indeed the college for me.

     As I revised the tour and  the information with my mom, I thought about how outstanding the college of business was, and that it is one of the best 301 business schools in the U.S. for MBA(Masters in Business Management) program. They had told me that they did internships and most people do internships while they are in college and there after. The faculty and the staff made sure that I was informed of every detail that made there college of business worth going too. They told me about the history behind Raj Soin College of business and facts not only about jobs, but people that have succeeded and got to where they are today.

     What put the icing on the cake was how well built the school was. I thought the school was very pleasant and at ease. The appearance of the building can alter one's feeling or opinion about it, but it indeed didn't alter mines. Looking at the school, made me feel that I could potentially call it my second home. Overall, the school looked amusing and i felt content about it and about going there, so i made my decision. Now I ask you,Would you choose Wright State University?

Friday, September 17, 2010


In this r&b song by Beyonce'called poison, she is talking to women about her past relationship,and how her boyfriend was poison to her mind and body.I can relate to this song because i was that girl that couldnt let go of what i had because it was all i ever knew. He broke my will to leave everytime i got the strength to leave him.In this emotional song she talks about how he was bad, but also good for her.She says that "With every hug ,and kiss your snatching every bit of strength, that im gon need to fight" that part of the song let's me know that every time he shows affection to her it makes it harder for her to leave, and in time she ends up getting weaker.When it got to the point where it took eveything she had, and made her feel like she was dieing inside, he would revive her back to normal.... but then she thought how long will this last, how long will i be okay again before he makes me feel want to call it quits.She later on leaves him and moves on and never looks back.

Friday, September 10, 2010

"Glamorous Life"

    Everyone wants to be glamorous, and have a wounderful, fullfiling life, but when they eventually get that life is it truly there life or is it a coverup? You'll be suprised what people will do,and go threw to have that "car" or "purse" that cost thousands of dollars. Are these people really happy trying to keep up with the jones's or are they ashamed and sad because at the end of the day material things don't make you happy, at least not for long.

Do the parent's of these spoiled kids realize what they are doing? Now, when i say "spoiled" im not saying that they don't deserve what they get, but do they truly need an expensive purse to let them know how much you love them? No, they need your love and time. There are many parent's that replace love, and time with material things thinking that their child will be happy. When there child eventually get's older all the purses, clothes, and sunglasses that were given to them is all they'll ever know and be use to getting.

Some kids grow up only knowing one way of life and sticking to it, and it becomes hard for them to change there ways. Change takes time it doesn't happen over night you have to work at it unforgently. There was this show called "Your cut off" that I use to watch. The show was for women to get help on there addiction to shop,and spend there parent's, grandparent's or husbands money. Now there were many women that were given money, purses, clothes etc. because they were just "spoiled", on the other hand there were others that were given material things since they were little, and deserved it.

 Overall, the women didn't only have shopping addictions in common they also didn't know how to cook or clean. They were acustom to there life styles, and it was up to a life coach to direct them in the right path, to help them learn the true way of life by earning there money.The famous quote of life is "Money can't buy you  happiness" with that being said, material things may keep you happy for a little while, but it doesn't make you have a glamorous life, what makes you have a glamorous life is love, family and good choice's.